1. The Basics: I’m Not Creeping on You (Much)
Look, I’m a witch, not Big Brother. If you visit Hex a Ho, some basic info gets collected, like what pages you lurk on and how long you stick around. No, I don’t personally track you with a crystal ball (yet), but the website does collect some data through cookies and analytics. That’s just how the internet works, babe.
2. Cookies? Yes. Actual Edible Ones? Sadly, No.
This site uses cookies, which are tiny digital spies that help the website remember stuff like:
- Whether you’ve been here before (so I don’t have to keep explaining things).
- What links you click (so I know what you actually care about).
- General browsing habits (so I can make the site better, not stalk your Hex an Ex Google searches).
If you don’t like cookies, you can clear them, block them, or throw your entire laptop into the nearest body of water. But fair warning: blocking cookies might make the site act weird.
3. What I Do With Your Info (Spoiler: Not Much)
If you sign up for emails, leave a comment, or buy something through an affiliate link, I might get some info like your name, email, or which spellbook you’re secretly eyeing on Amazon. I do NOT:
❌ Sell your info to shady companies
❌ Use it for blackmail (unless you’re my ex)
❌ Summon demons with it (probably)
What I do use it for:
✔️ Sending you funny and/or mildly chaotic emails
✔️ Analyzing site traffic so I know what’s working
✔️ Keeping bots from spamming the hell out of my comment section
4. Third-Party Shenanigans (a.k.a. “I Can’t Control Everything”)
This site includes links to other websites (you know, like when I recommend cool witchy shit). If you click on one of those and buy something, I might make a commission. BUT I don’t control those sites, and I have no clue what they do with your data. If you end up in a weird place, that’s on you.
5. Your Rights (Yes, You Have Some)
You can:
🔮 Request to see what data I have on you (but don’t expect much).
🔮 Ask me to delete your info (unless it’s required for legal, security, or witchy reasons).
🔮 Unsubscribe from emails at any time (but I’ll miss you, you little hex goblin).
To make any of this happen, just email me at [email protected]—but again, be patient. I check my inbox somewhere between regularly and whenever the planets stop causing chaos.
6. Policy Changes & Other Boring Crap
I might update this policy from time to time—because laws change, technology evolves, and I’m easily distracted. If I make any major changes, I might announce it, or I might just let you find out like a surprise tarot reading. Either way, if you keep using this site, you’re agreeing to this policy.
That’s it. Now go forth and browse responsibly. Or don’t. I’m not your mom.