Welcome to Hex a Ho, where magic meets mischief, spells are cast with a wink, and absolutely nothing is taken too seriously. Because even witches have to deal with legal bullshit, let’s get a few things straight before you start hexing your ex, summoning good vibes, or attempting to manifest a private island.

1. This Ain’t Legal, Medical, or Life Advice

I am not a lawyer, a doctor, a therapist, or a certified exorcist (tragic, I know). The content on this site is strictly for entertainment, education, and mild chaos. If you’re in an actual crisis, maybe call a professional before consulting the internet for spells. Just saying.

2. Magic is Real… But So is Karma (And She’s a Bitch)

Light all the candles, chant over some herbs, and point dramatically at the sky all you want, I take no responsibility for what happens next. That love spell? Might work. That hex? Might slap you in the face on the way out. That money spell? If I had the secret to unlimited wealth, do you think I’d be writing this for free?

3. Hex Responsibly (or Not at All)

I’m not here to encourage actual harm, ruin anyone’s life, or get you tangled in some karmic mess. If you choose to dabble in baneful magic, that’s on you, not me. I won’t be held responsible for any hauntings, bad juju, or inexplicable bad hair days that may follow. Energy moves in weird ways, babe. Handle your shit.

4. Yes, Some Links Are Affiliate Links. No, I Don’t Feel Bad About It.

Some links on this site are affiliate links, which means if you buy something, I make a few coins (yay, capitalism). I only link to things I think are useful, hilarious, or aesthetically pleasing for your witchy bullshit. But use your own damn judgment before throwing money at questionable potions on the internet.

5. No Refunds on Spells (Or Your Life Choices)

If you try a spell from this site and it doesn’t work, I cannot offer you a refund… mostly because you didn’t pay me in the first place, and also magic is weird like that. However, if it does work, you owe me a five-star review and a glass of wine. I don’t make the rules.

6. Don’t Be a Jerk

This is a snarky, fun space for witches, weirdos, and anyone curious about magic. If you’re here to take things too seriously, pick fights, or complain about my life choices, kindly take your negativity elsewhere. Maybe touch some grass.

7. No, That’s Not 666

Before anyone starts clutching their pearls and hyperventilating into a paper bag, let’s get something straight: I have 999 tattooed on my knuckles, NOT 666. Yes, it’s a number. No, she’s not summoning the devil (at least, not on purpose).

For those of you who flunked numerology and critical thinking:

  • 999 = Transformation, completion, the end of a cycle (very poetic, very witchy, very mind your business).
  • 666 = The number that makes conspiracy theorists foam at the mouth.

If you still can’t tell the difference, maybe take a minute to reevaluate your own life choices before judging other people’s tattoo decisions. Or at the very least, Google it before embarrassing yourself.

Final Thoughts: You’re on Your Own, Babe

By using this site, you agree that you’re a responsible adult (or a very sneaky teenager) who understands that nothing here is guaranteed to work, break, or fix your life. Magic is fun, mysterious, and sometimes just placebo with better aesthetics. Either way, I am not liable for your choices.

Now go forth and be magical… preferably without getting yourself arrested. ✨